Nutrition & Mental Health: latest scientific advances and Horizon Europe Program

16:00 - 18:00



Take advantage of NutrEvent 2024 to preview the place of "mental health and nutrition" in Horizon Europe Program

  •  16 pm – 16.40 pm : Plenary session latest scientific advances in nutrition and mental health.
    • Patricia PARNET Ph.D/ MsC Directrice de Recherche INRAE UMR 1280 PhAN (Physiopathologie des Adaptations Nutritionnelles) / Nantes University / Inrae
    • Anne-Kathrin ILLNER Ph.D / MsC/ MPH Associate Professor, Human nutrition, prevention and population health sciences UniLaSalle Beauvais

  •  16.40 pm – 17 pm :Place of mental health and nutrition in Horizon Europe 2025 program

° Speaker: Vincent Massot (national contact referent)

  •  17 pm – 17.30 pm : Exchange on setting up a consortium, project sharing under development

  •   17.30 pm : Networking & Cocktail

Find out more about NutrEvent: NutrEvent – Where innovation partnerships emerge

Organized in collaboration with Atlanpole Biotherapies


Hub Eurasanté 350 avenue Eugène Avinée Loos 59120


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